Friday, July 28, 2017

Squirrel Head

It has been just over a month since "the event" that put me in the hospital. It's been a long month. I still can't drive which is really driving me crazy, (great pun) which is weird cuz I can't drive.

I just returned from a lunchtime walk down to the grocery store. I figure it's a mile trip down and back and that feels pretty good. It's hot today,'s been hot for weeks now, which makes the walk a little more challenging. 

I have no problem with the walk but I start to feel some soreness or stiffness in my hips...more specifically, my butt dimples. That's right, I have butt dimples! I'm referring to the sides of my butt.

While down at Albertson's, I ran into a character I have seen around town for many years. He is an older gentleman with a gray close cropped beard and mustache. I tried to take a picture of him but it's hard to do and be inconspicuous.

This guy catches my attention because he has the worst wig in the world. It is this giant sandy blond squirrel that sits on his head so unnaturally that it is immediately apparent that it is a wig. 

I kind of followed behind him in the store and got the wonderful show of watching peoples expressions as he passed by them. They all did a double take and then a small slight smile appeared on the faces. It was great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you say is, "Sir, you so remind me of my cousin. Would it be all right if I took a photo of you to send to him?"