Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Independence Day

It is the last day of our four day holiday and again, we are hanging close to home. We have friends coming over for dinner and then we are going to go downtown and watch the fireworks.

Yesterday was a little more shaky for me than usual. I felt much closer to dizziness than in I have. I laid down for a little nap mid day and felt better after that. 

We went over to the pool again yesterday and hung out for a couple of hours.

Other than that, Susan has been cleaning and I have been napping.

I'm trying to help out w\here I can but it's pretty limited right now and not really all that helpful.

Updates to follow as needed.

We invited Kelly and Ron for dinner, followed by a trip downtown to watch the fireworks.

Rather than ride the bikes downtown, we decided to drive because of infirmed me. With my unreliable stability and dizzy issues, it did make seem prudent to ride bikes.

So we drove down, paid the ten bucks to get into the Arena Parking Lot and then set up camp. It wasn't as great being that far away from the pyrotechnics, but it was good enough. And for this summer, at least the next few weeks, good enough is good enough.

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