Thursday, July 13, 2017

Waiting for Ablation

August Eighth is the date set for the Ablation. In the meantime, I am stable and going to work. There is however, a difficulty that is difficult in it's difficultness. I am not allowed to drive.

It really sucks!

I have to think about everywhere I go and how I am going to get there.

Fortunately, a fellow employee at work lives near me and offered to drive me to work and back. That's a big load off Susan. And it saves me from riding the bus.

Even the bus isn't that bad. My only objection to taking the bus is that I'm soooo much better than all those people. (Did I say that out loud?) No, my problem with the bus is the extra time it takes. My 20 minute car ride to work takes an hour on the bus.

But, I think it is for the best that I do not drive until we are sure I'm not going to pass out in the drivers' seat. I don't mind killing myself as much as taking out someone else with me.

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