Sunday, July 2, 2017

Holiday Hanging Out

This is Day Two of the Independence Day Four Day Holiday Hangin' Weekend. At least that is what Susan and I are doing. Hangin'! Cuz we're soooooo hip.

We have no big plans for the weekend other than hanging close to home. We had a couple of offers to go to the lake and we usually go canoeing on the Little Spokane River on July Fourth.

Because of extenuating circumstances that make us want to be near medical facilities if the need arises, we are just hanging out here at the estate on Corbin Park...a mere 15 minutes from the hospital.

Fortunately, no need for the hospital has yet come to pass. I went to work on Friday and had no major issues. We both worked around the yard yesterday and Susan mowed. She hasn't had to do that in a good 10 years.

I'm feeling a little run down today so I'm taking it easy. I have just awoken from a short nap where I believe I actually slept.

We are about to head across the street to visit our neighbors, Tammy and Lou. They have a pool. Not a white trash pool. An actual hole in the ground pool with many hundreds of gallons in it, heated to a delightful 79.8 degrees.
Then we are going to go to dinner with Mom and celebrate her birthday, which was yesterday. So that's the latest from here.

Happy Fireworks!

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