Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Back to the Grind

Today is our first day back to the regular world after several days of fun in San Francisquin, California. We ventured down for the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival, three days of free concerts on se7en stages in Golden Gate Park. We are actually pleased to be back at home and back to work. At 60, partying is hard.

I have all kinds of details and day by day blows about the trip at the other blog, 

In the meantime, I will tell you that I returned to the real world and got up and walked this morning. This, despite the late night arrival home last evening. I got in two miles in unimpressive times. 

I have a Doctor's appointment in the morning with my General Practitioner. I haven't seen him since the shit hit the defibrillator back in June.

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