Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Ear Worm

I have come to realize that if I don't get up within three minutes of my 4:45 alarm going off, I'm not going to get up. This morning, I got up. So hurray for me.

I often wake up and go about my morning with an earworm. Today it was "Sandy" from Grease. For those who don't know, an earworm is a song that gets stuck in your head and refuses to leave. You constantly find yourself humming, singing or whistling the song in the background of your mind. You cannot get rid of it until you give it to someone else or play "Crocodile Rock". There! I just gave you an earworm.

The walk was really pleasant this morning. It was warmer than it has been which makes it much more tolerable. I got around the first lap in 17:11 and the second in 17:53. Total time was 35:05. 

No raccoons were harmed or even seen this morning.

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