Thursday, October 12, 2017

Dr O'Connor Visit

It's been four months since I have been to see my General Practioner, Dr. O'Connor. 

In preparation for today's appointment, I had to get a blood draw yesterday. Susan drove me out to work so I could hit the Vampire
Office first thing, but they didn't open until 8:00.

So I walked over at lunch time and made it there minutes before they closed for lunch at 12:30.

They had a little trouble finding a vein but eventually filled the vile.

So I got to Dr. O'Connor's office right on time at 8:15 and got in right away. My cholesterol was fine and a couple of the other tests he had them run looked okay as well. He is keeping an eye on liver function because a couple of the drugs I'm on mess with the liver.

I had him check my left fore arm. I have a tender spot I've noticed for about two months. It normally does not bother me. But, when I set it on the edge of a desk, and I hit just the right spot, it lights up the pain meter to 11. The odd thing is I can't just make it happen.

Dr. O'Connor messed with it, prodded it, made me push, pull and twist...all to no avail.

The conclusion to all this is the confirmation that I am still alive.

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