Sunday, March 29, 2020

Staying Home

My weight got as low as 215 yesterday. I'm at 217 today. Other than a walk around the park, we weren't very active. And we didn't eat a lot either.

We are well into this "Stay at Home" phase of the Covid-19 pandemic. There is a headline in this mornings paper that says they project 1,400 people will be dead in Washington State by July First. That means the Stay Home order will definitely last beyond the original two weeks. 

Whether or not it will become stricter is yet to be seen. People are doing a pretty good job. You can park anywhere you want downtown at any time of day. There's just nothing to do once you park.

I see lots of people walking around the park, but they are all keeping their distance. Traffic is dramatically reduced also.

Oh, and gun sales are up.

The grocery store remains the one spot of human gathering. There is no authority driving around asking why you are out. At least here in Spokane. Other areas, such as California and New York are a little more battened down.

I have always thought that what we need for our church is another 9-11 event. That brought lots of people back to churches. Of course, I do not want anything like that to happen again and this event is far different. All the churches are closed.

We have decided we might as well get to work on the house. If we are stuck here at home, we might as well make the best of it.

1 comment:

Callahan said...

That's an average of 1 person per county dead in WA state every other day between now and the 1st of July. Not exactly Black Death territory here.