Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bikin' Again but God is Pissed

Today was my triumphant return to riding my bike to work. Well, triumphant isn't the right word. Um...maybe glorious...no, not that word either. How about "colderthanshit". That's a more appropriate word.

But it was triumphant in that I did actually do it and I arrived at work in a safe and timely manner. I have some work to do to get my bicycling legs back. I really felt the burn on more than a couple of hills or even slight inclines. Or even downhill grades with the wind at my back.

I really have to keep an eye on this situation. I seem to have no endurance at all. It has frustrated me on my runs and it felt a bit frustrating today on my ride. There is no chest pain involved so I don't think it is heart related. It is probably FAT related.

The official weigh-in is coming up on Saturday to see how I did on losing my ten pounds over Lent. I can tell you now that as of last Saturday, I had gained six pounds from my starting point. I haven't been very devoted to God during this process.

As cold as it was this morning, you would think I would have gotten the hint that my pants were unzipped. But Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It took me until I was at work for half an hour before I noticed a breeze.

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