Friday, April 3, 2009

Mr Helpful Can't Run

It was trying to rain when I started out on my run. It never really kicked in and neither did the run. I was struggling to make it to the half mile mark before I quit. I made it and urged myself on to the end of the next block but gave up. My legs were really hurting and starting to cramp. I could feel the very beginnings of shin splints coming on too.

So I was walking along feeling disgusted with my efforts when I came upon these two ladies hauling a could into a house. They were at the door and having problems fitting it through. I offered to help and they gladly accepted. It was a Mom and daughter and the Mom was well into her sixties.

We got through the door with relatively little trouble and then I continued on my way, feeling like I had accomplished something on my run. I tried a couple more times to resume the pace but my legs would have none of it.

I made the mile in fifteen minutes and was glad to be done with it.

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