Friday, February 3, 2017

Gout Alert

I am currently experiencing the worst outbreak f gout I have ever had. It is at least, one of the worst. The only other time it's comparable to is the first time I got gout in my left big toe. That has to be close to 18 or 20 years ago.

I have called in to work and left a message that I'm staying home today. I have called Dr. O'Connor's office to ask for an appointment or at least a prescription for Cholchrys. Amazingly, they can get me in at 11:30.

I didn't sleep much last night as it was impossible to find a position where my leg wasn't causing me great throbbing continual pain.

Driving to the doctor is going to be a challenge because the gout is in my right knee which is attached to my driving leg. The added fun obstacle is all the snow that has fallen over night and continues as I write.

I am going to lie down for a while now and then somehow, try to get dressed to go to the doctor.

1:18PM: I have returned from the doctor and the adventures in the snow successfully. It took me a while to get back home because I had to pick up the prescription and it wasn't ready.

It was very uncomfortable driving because of the placement of my leg. My knee throbbed the whole time I was out.

In any event, I'm heading up to bed now. Going out took a lot out of me. I am noticing that I'm walking differently, shifting weight where I'm not used to because I have to be gentle on my right leg. As I said, it takes a lot out of me.

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