Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ablation Guy - Round Duex

We are leaving shortly for the quick drive over to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho so I can check in at the Kootenai Medical Center and go under the figurative knife for my second Ablation. 

I was originally told to check in at 7AM and we thought it would be nice to drive over last night and stay in a hotel room. But yesterday, they said to check in at 10:30AM. So we decided to stay in town and save 90 bucks,

I will update when there is something to say. Of course, if you see no further updates, you can just assume the operation did not go well.

7:26PM: I am back at home which means things went well, even though they didn't go well.

The Doctor's were not able to make my heart make the extra heart beats, the PVC's, that it has been making. Therefore, there was nothing to ablate.

So they sent me home, made me stay home for tomorrow and we'll see where we go from here.

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