Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Sunday was our first day of skiing for the season. Consequently, I was not feeling very spry yesterday. My gout knee was not happy about the activity. I thought I would be okay since I had a pretty full range of motion without too much pain. But my knee thought otherwise,

With six runs in the bag, my knee was feeling every turn, mogel and jolt I gave it.

Yesterday was a day of slow motion and sore muscles.

I joined Planet Fitness yesterday. They have a gym out in the valley and they are going to be opening a new one in the old Albertson's building over on N.W. Blvd.

I got on the treadmill last night for 25 minutes to further punish my body.

I bring this all up to say that I feel pretty good this morning. Today was the first day in a loooooong time that I was able to put on my underwear and jeans by balancing on one leg at a time. I haven't been able to do that with the gout. In fact, at the height of the gout, getting dressed below the waist was quite a chore.

Unfortunately, as I was putting on my undies, I put them on backwards so I had to do it all over again. I guess that's my sub-conscience making me practice.

I'm just about to head out the door to work and it is gently snowing. It's pretty close to 32 degrees so I don't expect this one will stick much. 

With all the rain and warmish weather we've had lately, we have almost gotten rid of all the snow on the ground. My deck is almost snow free. My front yard continues to have about 8 inches.

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