Saturday, June 24, 2017

Back in the Pital

It is 6:37 AM. I am writing from bed two of hospital room 655 at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

I was brought in yesterday by ambulance from work.

I was sitting at my desk discussing a job with Laura and Emily when I suddenly became dizzy. I warned them I was having a dizzy spell and the next thing I knew, Laura was propping me up with my face in her side.

I passed out and my defibrillator went off...twice.

They called 911, the Paramedics showed up and it was decided to take me to the E.R.

My heart is trying to relive last summer when I spent a good portion of my vacation time in the hospital. My heart is producing PVC's...extra heart beats, that make the heart much less efficient.

I think they have PVC's under control now and the goal for today is to figure out what they are going to do with me.

When I know more, you'll know more.

It's now 7:30 and I just finished reviewing all my posts from last June, July and August. I was quite prolific then as most of the time was spent in the hospital and I had nothing to do but write a blog.

It was a good thing to do however because I have forgotten a lot of the details from last year. Now I'm caught up and able to recall much of last summer's fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Probably the stress of the solstice. Gravitational pull, etc. The party should relieve much of the stress. When is the party?