Monday, June 26, 2017

Hospital Summer Camp, Day Three

I woke up about 1:15 last night when my chest exploded on me. My defib went off again and it is certainly an unpleasant way to wake up.

They gave me a pill that calmed the PVC's and now as 9AM is approaching, I've had no further repercussions.

I lost my roommate yesterday and have had this place to myself for the last twelve hours.

That has just ended with the arrival of a very large man in his 30's named Timothy who might have pneumonia. He is very difficult to understand. He might have only a partial tongue. Plus he only has one level of speaking which is LOUD.

It just keeps getting better.

As for the plans for me, we are hoping for a procedure. Whether the procedure is an EP study, a heart cath or an Ablation remains to be seen.

So I shall continue to sit here and wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to learn of the passing of your roommate. May Timothy's problems be resolved quickly and he discharged.
May you suffer a like fate. in the meantime, relax; meditate on the sound of yon Timotheo's breathing and ask yourself what species of Asian he could possibly be. If you speak any Asian, you might try out a few phrases on him, spoken in a loud staccato voice, since that's the way his own people, the people he loves, speak to him. Perhaps the two of you can send out for Chinese some night. I wish you a speedy recovery, Stanley.
Sincerely yours,
A friend