Saturday, August 5, 2017

Dive In Movie Night

We have a busy weekend in front of us with lots of social gatherings to attend. The first was last night. Our neighbors were having a pool party. The theme was "Dive In Movie". They hauled a big screen TV out to the patio and after some socializing, we all watched "Jaws".

It was a great evening and here are some pictures.

Here are some more pictures

The one odd weather event for the night was smoke. It had been a beautiful clear day all day until about five o'clock. Then the smoke blew in thick and heavy and obliterated the sun. It really cooled everything down which was nice, but it was kind of odd. Towards the end of the movie, you could start to see the moon, but here is what it looked like.

Our next event for Saturday evening was a trip to the Spokane River in the valley for Chuck O'Connor's birthday. I met Chuck and Maggie years ago when I bar tended in the valley. We go to their summer party every year and it's always a great time.

Unfortunately, I got a call from Maggie today and she was wondering why we didn't make the party. It was last night!

DAMN!!! We missed it!

If she had not called, we would have gone out there and showed up and realized we were idiots.

In the meantime, it is Saturday afternoon right now...about 2:00. I have been watering and Susan is out with my Mom playing with jewelry.

We have a guy here working on the roof. Just some minor repairs to the Carriage House and some wind damage to the main house roof. The guy's name is Mitchell and I've known him since before he was borned. He is the son of our buddy Mark, whom we have mentioned and chronicled here on many occasions.

Here are some more pictures.

So, that's our day.

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