Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Not my Last Post

I am writing from bed 1 of Room 601 at the Sacred Heart Get-Yourself-Better Institute. It is early in the morning. I was unable to update anything yesterday because I had to lay flat on my back for about nine hours in order for my wound to heal sufficiently. 

I got the catheter removed just moments ago and finally allowed to sit up.

The procedure went well in that I survived it. I am bruised, banged up and hairless.

I will get to go home today and so that is good.

We won't really know how successful the Ablation was for a while. I have been on a drug called Amiodorone, which stopped the extra beats in my heart. Now I have to be weened off it in order to figure out if the Ablation worked. 

In the meantime, I have been almost completely shaved. I have a giant bruise on my groin where they inserted the Ablation hose. I woke up with a catheter and last year, it is very painful to pee. Now that it's out, I can tell it won't be as bad as last year.

Additionally, my lips are bruised. I assume that is from whatever tubuals they jammed down my throat.
The picture really doesn't show it that well.

As soon as I can pass the blood pressure test, they will set me free.

First they take my blood pressure while I'm flat on my back. (151/73) Then they take it while I am sitting up. (140/73) Finally, they take my blood pressure while standing. (95/72) The top number needs to be with 20 points for all three reading.

I've done it twice and waiting for another try. I'll eat some breakfast first.

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