Monday, August 28, 2017

Walking Man

After work on Friday, I was at the Hub Tavern meeting the usual Friday after work crew including Susan, whom you may know as my wife. Also in attendance was LeeVee. 

He started giving me shit about how I don't exercise enough and I should be walking more. 

He then challenged me to a walk on Monday morning. He would be on my front porch at 5AM to walk with me. I know that this is no problem for LeeVee because he is an early riser. He works in the Financial Industry and must be at the office when the Market opens.

I normally wake up at 5:30. In order to meet LeeVee for the walk, I had to get up at 4:45. That's only 45 minutes earlier. I can do that! 

The problem with the whole arrangement was that I knew for 99.999% surety that LeeVee was never going to show up at my door at 5AM to walk with me.

It's that .001% that concerned me and made me get up and walk this myself...with nobody else.

I liked it. It was quiet. It was peaceful. I noticed a couple of things about the neighborhood that I had not noticed before. I need to continue this trend. I only walked a mile this morning but I'll up it to two tomorrow.

I will say that I am going to commit myself to doing this five days a week. Let's see how long this lasts!

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