Wednesday, August 30, 2017

More Walking Man

I am on Day Three of my walking program. I am not having too much trouble getting up early and getting out. I'm finding it really enjoyable. I'm alone with my thoughts and I'm not really exerting myself. I have started noticing all kinds of things I have never noticed or thought of before.

One thing I've noticed that I've never seen before is the canopy of trees over the street at the far east end of Park Place. That's the way it used to be all around the park before the Dutch Elm Disease hit.

I walk right down the middle of the street because the sidewalks are too uneven for the dark. I never even saw a car this morning. It takes me just short of 40 minutes to walk two laps.

I can tell you that I definitely feel the burn towards the end of lap two. My hip joints feel a little sore and today at least, I was starting to get a little sweat going. That is probably not a good sign or indicator of my current health status. That's no big deal though because I am doing this specifically to improve my health status.

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