Friday, August 25, 2017

T.M.I. - More Pee Tracking

I was so successful yesterday tracking my bathroom visits that I decided to do it again. I just want to see if I follow the same patterns every day, which I suspect I do.

  5:46  Took my drugs
  7:31   #1
  8:29   #1
  9:38   #1
10:45   #1&2  Do NOT go in there!!!
11:32   #1
12:15   #1

I'm drinking coffee again. I had given it up for about the last two months, since the defibrillator went off. I haven't had a problem giving it up so I'm not sure how wise it is to take it up again. I just enjoy a cup in the morning. While it is a big cup, I have only been having one.

The reason I gave it up was I was experiencing some slight dizzy spells after having drank a cup on a Saturday or Sunday morning following my initial release from the hospital.

So I have been reluctant to try it again. But I had a cup yesterday and did okay. And I'm having a cup today. So far, no ill effects.

Later: Okay, I'm thinking now I need to give up coffee. I'm bummed. There's nothing better on a Saturday or Sunday morning that a nice cup of coffee with a splash, a dollop, a sousant of Bailey's Irish Cream

1 comment:

Callahan said...

Coffee is a strong diuretic. If you're already on a strong diuretic, why don't you try not taking it on the two days or so per week that you wish to indulge in coffee OR cut your dose of the diuretic medication in half on coffee days and only take it at night. Just a thought. Maybe in this way you can still drink coffee occasionally and in moderation.

Re the logging of your defecation at 10:45 a.m. - or what we might refer to as your logging of your log - did not any tinkle dew at all as you stooled there upon the stool? And if so, ought you not also to log a tinkle emission at 10:45?