Friday, September 1, 2017

Five Day Victory

It is Friday and I have successfully made it through the week and have walked every morning. I logged 9 miles this week. Two miles a day except for Monday when I only did one. I also recorded my best time. My first lap took 19:06 and the second I really tried to power through and go for a good time. I made it in 18:19. 

At this point, I can't imagine being able to do much better. I will set my goal to break 18 minutes.

By the time I finish the two laps, I am feeling it. My joints are sore, my breath is labored and I am starting to develop a bit of a sweat.

I am pretty pleased with myself for making this change and I think I can keep it going. I know walking two miles doesn't seem like much. But I can telling you that it is two miles more than I was doing last week. And that can't be that bad.

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