Wednesday, September 27, 2017


My mornings are riddled with hurdles.

Well, perhaps that's a little too exaggerated. I don't think three hurdles equates a riddle.

The first hurdle is the gravity that keeps me in bed when my alarm goes off at 4:45. If I lay in bed too long, the gravity increases. I have to power through it when the alarm goes off and get up.

The second hurdle is actually starting my walk. This isn't near as tough as the first hurdle because...well..I'm already up. Why waste it.

The third hurdle is making my second lap on the walk. I did not clear this hurdle this morning. 

I don't have a good excuse like my pooper walk. I just called it early and went in to the house to make my breakfast and have a leisurely morning read of the newspaper.

My times for yesterday were not impressive but I did walk two miles. My first lap was 18:32 and I cut a minute off that lap on the second one, 17:32. I had very small sections where I ran. I can't sustain it for more than a block.

Today, it took me 18:46 to do my one lap. What a loser! Except for the two hurdles I cleared. As Meatloaf so eloquently articulated, "Two out three ain't bad!"

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