Monday, September 18, 2017

Rainy Walk and More

I walked out on the balcony as I was going to bed last night and got a whiff of the sweet smell of the air just before it rains.

I walked out of the house this morning for my morning walk and got that same smell, along with actual rain. It was coming down pretty strong as I began my walk but I was not to be deterred.

I had my hoody so I looked like all the other miscreants walking around the park after dark. I had my gloves and my sweat pants on so I was well dressed for the weather.

The thing I didn't prepare for was my body not wanting to cooperate with the morning activity. 

At about the half mile mark, I realized I should have gone to the bathroom before leaving the house. The urge I felt was faint and I thought I had enough time to make it to the house. The urge grew with each step right up until my final steps, which were made even more difficult with pursed sphincter.

This is what Susan would call a Pooper Walk. I made it...but not without casualties.

The data for the morning is that it took 2155 steps in 19:21. I am glad that I got out there and made the effort but feel bad for my underpants.

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