Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Walkin'

Even though it's a Holiday, I got out and walked my two miles this morning. The difference was I did not get up at 4:45 to do it. I got out there about nine. I did my first lap in 20:02 while Susan ran and then she joined me for the second lap, which was completed in 18:25. I have set an initial goal of completing a lap in under 18 minutes. Perhaps I can hit that this week. 

I had not planned on walking on the weekends but had the opportunity to put my exercise to practical use in adventures around town. We went to Pigout in the Park and did a lot of walking while there. Of course it was offset by the massive amounts of food and drink we consumed. 

Yesterday we rode bikes down to Pigout. We again walked around quite a bit. I'm sure we did a good strong mile. Again offset by the food.

When it was time to ride home, I was definitely feeling it. I was surprised though that I had no trouble on the slight hill climb and made it home without too much pain or distress.

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