Thursday, September 21, 2017

Portents of Bad Luck

I took yesterday off from walking. I just didn't want to go out. I did get up at the same early hour of 4:45. But instead of walking, I made breakfast and leisurely read the newspaper.

But I was back at it today. It was chilly but not raining when I left the house. It was generally a very nice walk made just slightly more exciting as I approached fellow morning walker Fred. We were both coming around the west end of the park from different directions. Fred started to cross the street and then suddenly moved back as a little black cat crossed in front between us. 

I know it's bad luck for a black cat to cross your path but what kind of luck is it when the black cat has a white stripe running up its back?

Fortunately, we both gave the little kitty plenty of room and it waddled off to some bushes, leaving behind a rather unpleasant aroma, just to let us know he was there. 

It took approximately 4,651 steps. My first lap took 17:28 and my second took 17:58. Anything under 18 minutes is a victory for me.

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