On Monday, I started a new weight loss kind of program that gives me some hope for real success. It's a program I have never tried before. It involves God. I figure that God wants me around for awhile to fulfill whatever it is that has yet to be revealed to me. In the meantime, I had better be in as well conditioned as my frail ass can be.
So every morining, I get up an hour earlier than I have been and devote that hour to God. I read some prayers for half an hour, I read the Bible for half an hour and I exercise for fifteen minutes.
I have been doing some stretching followed by puch ups, sit ups and the torture wheel. The torture wheel is killing me. It is wheel with handles and you extend it in front of you from a kneeling position. I can do three. I might have bruised my tummy muscles.
Anyway, it is keeping exercise and diet in front of my mind. I'm till eating crappy, but a little less crappy. And I chastise myself when I do. This is building to a full blown chastisement where I will develope some self discipline or be smited.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I lost almost 5 pounds since yesterday but I think that was an anomally. I was feeling particularly fat yesterday and ate fruit all day. It seems to have worked and I think I will continue to eat fruit.
I rode my bike to work yesterday so perhaps that contributed to the weight loss.
I shall just continnue with the struggle and try to do better.
I rode my bike to work yesterday so perhaps that contributed to the weight loss.
I shall just continnue with the struggle and try to do better.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Renewed Ferver One More Time Again Afresh
I'm starting off June by trying to concentrate on my diet. I'm back to 220 pounds and feeling really lazy. I'm feeling soooo lazy that I don't feel any urge to get out and exercise, thereby making me feel less lazy and in turn loosing some weight.
That doesn't make sense but I'm leaving it. Anyway, I'm thinking about how much benefit it would be to not be carrying around two ten pound bags of sugar. That analogy sticks with me and seems to be my best motivater...but I'm still at 220.
That doesn't make sense but I'm leaving it. Anyway, I'm thinking about how much benefit it would be to not be carrying around two ten pound bags of sugar. That analogy sticks with me and seems to be my best motivater...but I'm still at 220.
Friday, May 21, 2010
I will have to say that "Bike to Work Week" has been a failure as far as I am concerned. I only rode one day, Monday. I could have rode Wednesday and today. The weather at least would have cooperated. Tuesday I needed to drive and it rained most of yesterday.
I could have ridden today but I woke up too late.
I could have ridden today but I woke up too late.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Prickly Legs
I am using this blog today to document a new malady attacking me. I felt it for the first time on Sunday afternoon.
I have suddenly been feeling a sharp pin-prick type of pain at the back of my legs at the knee. It is an occasional occurrence. The pain was right at the hem of my shorts. It would hit in a couple of spots at the same time and it was like being hit with a pin.
It happened again yesterday. Once during work and once after work, around 7PM.
It just took a break from writing this and it happened again. This time, behind my knee on my left leg. It was sudden and sharp and lasted a few seconds.
I have suddenly been feeling a sharp pin-prick type of pain at the back of my legs at the knee. It is an occasional occurrence. The pain was right at the hem of my shorts. It would hit in a couple of spots at the same time and it was like being hit with a pin.
It happened again yesterday. Once during work and once after work, around 7PM.
It just took a break from writing this and it happened again. This time, behind my knee on my left leg. It was sudden and sharp and lasted a few seconds.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Bike to Work Week - Day One
Everything has gone smoothly so far for Bike to Work Week.
I woke up in time, left the house at a reasonable hour and arrived downtown with no problems.
I was worried that the bus might fill up with bikes but that was not a problem. My only issue now is whether the weather will cooperate for the ride home. They are forecasting occassional thunder storms and the skies look like that might happen.....or not.
I woke up in time, left the house at a reasonable hour and arrived downtown with no problems.
I was worried that the bus might fill up with bikes but that was not a problem. My only issue now is whether the weather will cooperate for the ride home. They are forecasting occassional thunder storms and the skies look like that might happen.....or not.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Ride to Work Week
I have now ridden my bike to work twice this year. I did it back on april 19th and i did it this past week on Wednesday, May 13th. This week is officially "Ride your Bike to Work Week" in Spokane and perhaps elsewhere.
Unfortunately, the weather forecast does not bode well for optimum riding conditions. I'm going to try and ride every day anyway...except for Tuesday when I have a meeting right after work.
I just paused and checked on-line and found www.biketoworkspokane.org. They have a whole list of events going on over the week, one of which is a pancake breakfast going on as I write this. I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss it.
Unfortunately, the weather forecast does not bode well for optimum riding conditions. I'm going to try and ride every day anyway...except for Tuesday when I have a meeting right after work.
I just paused and checked on-line and found www.biketoworkspokane.org. They have a whole list of events going on over the week, one of which is a pancake breakfast going on as I write this. I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss it.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Bloomsday 2010
All my hard training and dedication has paid off as I have successfully transversed the 7.something miles of the Spokane Bloomsday Course. I walked the whole thing with only a couple of short stretches of running. My official time is not in yet but I estimate I did it in two hours and 16 minutes. That includes a stop for a beer along the course. What follows is my pictorial record at each milestone along the way.
The completion of the first mile took me about 18 minutes. Beyond the houses in the photo is a long downhill stretch. I tried to run but it was too crowded.
I started the tradition of photographing myself at each mile marker a few years ago. This year, it seemed a lot of people were doing it.
More people taking pix. At this point, I really had to use the facilities. All the Port-A-Potties had large assemblages of people waiting. Once I was in line and just standing there, the urgency of my need to use the bathroom was overwhelming. I found cover behind a nearby truck and relieved myself. Wasted about two minutes.
Felt the urge to go again but managed to wait until just before crossing the Spokane River. Lots of woods and cover.
A tough stretch as this is Doomsday Hill. By this point, I was feeling the burn even though I was just walking.
Getting anxious to get it over with. By now, I'm an hour and forth-se7en minutes into the race.
Crossed the Se7en Mile mark at 2:08 into the race. By now I have lost another two or three minutes due to a beer stop.
One has to figure out what is important to ones self.
By the time I crossed the Finish Line, I was pretty sore. I met up with Susan at the Onion Bar & Grill and had beers and food.
We went home and sat in the hot tub for a while, and then napped for about three hours. The rest of the day was lost.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Super Rememberable Remembory
I pulled some stuff out of the fridge this morning as we have a bunch of leftovers to get through. As I was loading up, I made a mental note to myself to not forget the food when I leave. I have done just that on several occassions and did not want to repeat today.
I did, of course!
The difference this time was I remembered within a few blocks of the house. I turned around and went back for my food.
Yet, it is amazing to me that I can screw up a vivid mental note within seconds.
Bloomsday is this Sunday and so I'm going to start training for my 10K walk. I should be okay. Hell, if I can't walk 7 1/2 miles, I'm in more trouble than I have been pretending.
I did, of course!
The difference this time was I remembered within a few blocks of the house. I turned around and went back for my food.
Yet, it is amazing to me that I can screw up a vivid mental note within seconds.
Bloomsday is this Sunday and so I'm going to start training for my 10K walk. I should be okay. Hell, if I can't walk 7 1/2 miles, I'm in more trouble than I have been pretending.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Since Monday, when I rode my bike to work, I have been trying to repeat the ride but the weather has not cooperated. Rather, my perception of the weather has not cooperated. Let's review!
- Tuesday I needed to drive but the weather would have been great for riding.
- Wednesday the forecast said it would rain but it never did. I could have ridden but didn't.
- Thursday it rained but the end of the day was great. I rode around the neighborhood when I got home.
- Friday (Today) I should have rode but talked myself out of it and stayed in bed. I brought my bike on the car and intend to ride at lunch.
Anyway, I got a little exercise yesterday with my bike ride and mowing the lawn.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I am making some adjustments to my everyday life to combat my weight. During the week, I am allowing myself no more than one beer per day. Also, I'm riding my bike as much as I can.
I would have liked to ride the bike today but I was not sure what the weather was going to do. I am not well equipped to deal with foul weather. I have no fenders and that would create havoc with my work clothes and my reputation as a snappy dresser.
I would have liked to ride the bike today but I was not sure what the weather was going to do. I am not well equipped to deal with foul weather. I have no fenders and that would create havoc with my work clothes and my reputation as a snappy dresser.
Monday, April 19, 2010
It was 48 degrees when I stepped out of the house this morning to ride my bike downtown. From there, I caught the bus out to work at Liberty Lake. This is the earliest in the year that I have ridden the bike. I've only been doing it semi-irregularly for two years so that's not much of a statement. An easy record to break.
Anyway, I felt compelled to ride because I feel so out of shape. I'm going to ride as much as I possibly can this summer.
I participated in the Susan G. Komen Cancer run yesterday but only walked the mile course. I saw a lot of people out there in much worse physical shape than me and that gave me the inspiration to do better on my health.
Of course, this will last two days and I'll slip back into my old ways.
Anyway, I felt compelled to ride because I feel so out of shape. I'm going to ride as much as I possibly can this summer.
I participated in the Susan G. Komen Cancer run yesterday but only walked the mile course. I saw a lot of people out there in much worse physical shape than me and that gave me the inspiration to do better on my health.
Of course, this will last two days and I'll slip back into my old ways.
Friday, April 16, 2010
I'm pretty disgusted with myself after having gained back the ten pounds I lost during Lent. I have no self control and it makes me want to have self control. I probably will have it through today. Beyond that, can't be sure.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
So...at two hundred and nineteen pounds, I have officially lost four pounds over the last 46 days. Now that I can drink beer again, expect that upward trend to continue. Or, I could exercise.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I got home from work yesterday and set out on the bike. I'm going to try to set some goals to make riding the bike more interesting. My first goal is to see how far I can go in 20 minutes. then I'll work to break that record. That will at least get me out there exercising which, as I have mentioned before, is the element missing from my weight loss plan.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I have totally fallen off the Weight Loss Wagon and climbed back onto the Fat Wagon. I've been sneaking candy here and there and had a burger the other day. The burger is worse than the candy.
With only a few days to go before I can drink beer, I am not pleased with me and my efforts.
Part of the problem is the lack of visible results. Ten pounds off my frame didn't seem to make much of a difference and so my determination was not as strong.
Crappy excuses for weak resolve.
With only a few days to go before I can drink beer, I am not pleased with me and my efforts.
Part of the problem is the lack of visible results. Ten pounds off my frame didn't seem to make much of a difference and so my determination was not as strong.
Crappy excuses for weak resolve.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I haven't been very good at following my diet or getting any exercise. I decided that had to change tonight. I broke out the bike when I got home and I headed for the Post Street Hill. It's a very steep climb and an excellent test to see where I am on the fitness bungy cord.
I did not expect to make it all the way up the hill. I had a couple of my planned resting spots prepared in my head. As I approached the first one, I was breathing hard but not so much that I couldn't continue. As I got to the second one I decided I wanted to make it to the top. It was a struggle and especially difficult as I approached the very end of the hill.
But I persevered and made it. Then I coughed and wheezed for the next two hours.
I did not expect to make it all the way up the hill. I had a couple of my planned resting spots prepared in my head. As I approached the first one, I was breathing hard but not so much that I couldn't continue. As I got to the second one I decided I wanted to make it to the top. It was a struggle and especially difficult as I approached the very end of the hill.
But I persevered and made it. Then I coughed and wheezed for the next two hours.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Let's take a moment to review what I wrote yesterday and then talk about Bowel Movements. I know...too much information! But I'm writing this for me...not you!
Yesterday, I was lamenting my inability to identify correlations between what I do on any given day and the resulting weight loss/gain the next day.
I was up about two pounds yesterday and couldn't figure out why. I had observed my dieting regimen pretty well.
What I didn't consider is that I hadn't taken a dump the previous day and when the time came yesterday, I am willing to bet I lost two pounds.
In any event, the diet continues with an emphasis on exercise. Some sort of sustained physical activity...like eating. I'm good at eating!
Yesterday, I was lamenting my inability to identify correlations between what I do on any given day and the resulting weight loss/gain the next day.
I was up about two pounds yesterday and couldn't figure out why. I had observed my dieting regimen pretty well.
What I didn't consider is that I hadn't taken a dump the previous day and when the time came yesterday, I am willing to bet I lost two pounds.
In any event, the diet continues with an emphasis on exercise. Some sort of sustained physical activity...like eating. I'm good at eating!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
It has been hard for me to weigh myself each day and then try to figure out what it was I did to either make my weight go up or down. One thing I'm noticing is exercise. Yesterday I didn't. Today, I went up. I'll be keeping an eye on that trend.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Here's an interesting fact that nobody needs to know. The average human Stan can create and hold nearly one pound of urine over the course of a night. That was the difference in my weight this morning pre and post pee.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Things got a little out of control yesterday. I've gained a pound a day since Friday and I thought skiing yesterday would help me out. But I just drank more.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Happy Days! I finally cacked the ten pound mark. I think I'll eat a whole shit load of food today.
Just spoofin' ya! I now have 12 pounds to go to make my goal. These of course will be the tough pounds. It has been raining like rain when it comes down rally hard and muchly upon the ground which means I'm not going to get a walk in today.
In celebration, I shall think about eating a shit load of food. That shouldn't be too fattening.
Just spoofin' ya! I now have 12 pounds to go to make my goal. These of course will be the tough pounds. It has been raining like rain when it comes down rally hard and muchly upon the ground which means I'm not going to get a walk in today.
In celebration, I shall think about eating a shit load of food. That shouldn't be too fattening.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's a chilly crisp morning in spokane. My thermometer read 20 degrees before I left the house.
I am pleased to see that I am only one pound away from losing 10 pounds. I'm going to try to do everything I can today to reach that elusive goal. The problem is finding the time to get in a little exercise. I'm booked solid for lunch and there won't be much time after work.
Well, we'll just see what happens.
I am pleased to see that I am only one pound away from losing 10 pounds. I'm going to try to do everything I can today to reach that elusive goal. The problem is finding the time to get in a little exercise. I'm booked solid for lunch and there won't be much time after work.
Well, we'll just see what happens.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
It was my birthday over the weekend and Susan and I took off for our annual ski weekend pilgrimage. I was worried that because the drinking of beer would be allowed, I would lose all the weight loss gains I have lost. It turned out not to be the case.
It seems I have stabilized at about 215ish. Here is where the hard work begins. Exercising and eating fewer calories than I burn.
It seems I have stabilized at about 215ish. Here is where the hard work begins. Exercising and eating fewer calories than I burn.
Friday, March 5, 2010
I am beginning to think that this scale of ours is not as accurate as it could be. My weight has fluctuated three pounds up and down in the past two days. I understood the fluctuation up but there is really no good reason for it drop today. I am not complaining. I have never kept track of my weight this intensely, weighing every day and logging it.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I was bad yesterday and it clearly came back to bite me in my fat ass! I ate too much and I didn't exercise. I bought some whole wheat tortillas and they are quite tasty. Perhaps they are too tasty. They have a wonderful sweetness to them that makes me suspect they might not be the best for me according the the strict dictates of this diet we're following.
I'm hoping the skiing I plan to do this weekend will take off a couple of pounds.
I'm hoping the skiing I plan to do this weekend will take off a couple of pounds.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I had another nice bike ride last night but it only kept me at Status Quo. I can't seem to make the ten pounds lost mark. I avoided the route that gave me the hill climb in favor of just trying to build a little endurance. Perhaps that is wrong thing and I need to include the hill climb.
The return to wine was fabulous. Our glasses hold exactly one half bottle of wine so they are just the perfect size. Of course, that much wine might have contributed to the status quo as well.
The return to wine was fabulous. Our glasses hold exactly one half bottle of wine so they are just the perfect size. Of course, that much wine might have contributed to the status quo as well.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The two week drought of no alcohol is nearly over. Tonight, we get to enjoy a nice glass of wine. We are both looking forward to that.
I have finally started to add some effective exercise into my program. 'Bout time! I wen ton a three mile bike ride when I got home last night. Twice around the park and then a slight diversion to include a hill climb.
The weight loss has leveled but is still heading downwards.
I have finally started to add some effective exercise into my program. 'Bout time! I wen ton a three mile bike ride when I got home last night. Twice around the park and then a slight diversion to include a hill climb.
The weight loss has leveled but is still heading downwards.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I have leveled out and actually gained a bit. I can only blame myself as i had a huge steak last night. it was a really delicious steak but huge nonetheless.
My most difficult hurdles to overcome are A) controlling portion size and 2) the enjoyment i get from eating. I was analyzing it last nght whle I ate the huge delicious steak. I really enjoy savoring the flavor in my mouth and wanting it to last. And then, when it ends, eating more to replace the savoring enjoyment.
I'm destined to never be thin. I am going to start adding exercise into the mix. Sure, that's something I should have been doing all along but I am lazy...and stupid...and not very good looking. Those seem to be all good reasons for my fatness.
My most difficult hurdles to overcome are A) controlling portion size and 2) the enjoyment i get from eating. I was analyzing it last nght whle I ate the huge delicious steak. I really enjoy savoring the flavor in my mouth and wanting it to last. And then, when it ends, eating more to replace the savoring enjoyment.
I'm destined to never be thin. I am going to start adding exercise into the mix. Sure, that's something I should have been doing all along but I am lazy...and stupid...and not very good looking. Those seem to be all good reasons for my fatness.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I'm starting to level off. Of course, it also could be that I kind of cheated. I ate a couple of animal cookies that I shouldn't have. I guess a half pound penalty is fair punishment.
I went for a walk after work today. Nothing extravagant or particularly taxing. Just a mile around the park with one good short hill climb. I really need to be doing more exercising. Riding my bike or walking or whatever. I just gotta get out there.
I went for a walk after work today. Nothing extravagant or particularly taxing. Just a mile around the park with one good short hill climb. I really need to be doing more exercising. Riding my bike or walking or whatever. I just gotta get out there.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Nine Days - Nine Pounds.
I tried the before and after weigh-in this morning and today, it stayed the same. So I must have mis-read it yesterday. Hey, it's early in the morning. I've just gotten out of bed. I'm not at my sharpest!
I am still tremendously dogged by cravings. I gave in yesterday and ate one (1) [uno] chocolate kiss. I sucked on it and savored it like nothing I have before. I'm glad it didn't screw me up on the weigh-in.
I tried the before and after weigh-in this morning and today, it stayed the same. So I must have mis-read it yesterday. Hey, it's early in the morning. I've just gotten out of bed. I'm not at my sharpest!
I am still tremendously dogged by cravings. I gave in yesterday and ate one (1) [uno] chocolate kiss. I sucked on it and savored it like nothing I have before. I'm glad it didn't screw me up on the weigh-in.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
214.7 or 215.4
I stepped on the scale before jumping in the shower and it came up 214.7. I was happy to return to the downhill slide in the weight loss game but thought almost 2 1/2 pounds in one day seemed a lot. After the shower and toweling off, I stepped on the scale again and this time it came up 215.4, a much more realistic expectation. Still, I was disappointed I had gained that much weight simply by taking a shower so I re-weighed myself. Again it came up 215.4, so I guess that is what I have to accept for the day.
Today marks the beginning of week two of our South Beach Diet. I found a large bag of M&M peanuts that I forgot I bought and they have been taunting me. I almost gave in to them last night but my will power and resolve kicked in. I think I can out last them. At least for a week. After that, I'm sure I will require a taste...or nine.
Today marks the beginning of week two of our South Beach Diet. I found a large bag of M&M peanuts that I forgot I bought and they have been taunting me. I almost gave in to them last night but my will power and resolve kicked in. I think I can out last them. At least for a week. After that, I'm sure I will require a taste...or nine.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Well, I don't know what happened yesterday to bring me up two pounds. Perhaps it was the party we attended last night. There was lots of good food and plenty of wine to consume and I did have my fair share of food. But I drank water and limited myself to some nice chicken and roast beef. I did eat one (1) sweet and sour meatball. That must have thrown EVERYTHING off.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The weight loss continues but I'm becoming concerned about how it is effecting my health, specifically, my heart. I'm not sure there is a correlation but I have been really tired the last few days and my stamina stinks. I had some minor chest pressure last Thursday and felt it a little last Monday as well. We started our new diet on Tuesday so I'm thinking if there is an issue, it was pre-existing and not related to the diet.
I have an appointment to see my Cardiologist this Tuesday so we'll see then wazzup!
Nonetheless, I've lost 8 pounds since Tuesday and that seems like a lot of weight to lose that fast. Then again, giving up beer can have a dramatic effect on ones physiology. I don't kow if that true but it sounds informed.
I have an appointment to see my Cardiologist this Tuesday so we'll see then wazzup!
Nonetheless, I've lost 8 pounds since Tuesday and that seems like a lot of weight to lose that fast. Then again, giving up beer can have a dramatic effect on ones physiology. I don't kow if that true but it sounds informed.
Friday, February 19, 2010
The pounds are falling away. This South Beach Diet thing is really working. I must also acknowledge the fact that I am not drinking beer...not drinking alcohol of any kind. I am sure that is contributing to the weight loss. The thing is, I'm off alcohol for only two weeks. That is a requirement of the Phase One portion of the South Beach Diet. Two weeks of really strict prohibitions on alcohol, sugar, carbs and fruit.
After the two weeks are up, we get to enjoy a broader range of food. However, I am still off beer for the period of Lent and will restrict my alcohol intake to one glass of wine per night. However, it is a BIG glass.
I also know that these first few pounds are going to fall off quickly. Once I reach about ten pounds, it's going to slow dramatically. That's what I remember from the last time I did this.
I had a nice breakfast this morning so I am not hungry right now but this tremendous crave for sweets is hard to deal with. I guess that's my body asking for the copious amounts of sugar that I regularly pour into it. It is not happy!
My body is probably pissed off about the beer too. It will have to get by on one glass of wine. But it's a BIG glass.
After the two weeks are up, we get to enjoy a broader range of food. However, I am still off beer for the period of Lent and will restrict my alcohol intake to one glass of wine per night. However, it is a BIG glass.
I also know that these first few pounds are going to fall off quickly. Once I reach about ten pounds, it's going to slow dramatically. That's what I remember from the last time I did this.
I had a nice breakfast this morning so I am not hungry right now but this tremendous crave for sweets is hard to deal with. I guess that's my body asking for the copious amounts of sugar that I regularly pour into it. It is not happy!
My body is probably pissed off about the beer too. It will have to get by on one glass of wine. But it's a BIG glass.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It is the start of Day Three of this diet and it is working. I am losing a pound a day so far. I found myself last night having a tremendous craving for sweets. Specifically, something chocolate. My estrogen must be kicking in here and giving me female cravings. I did eat a pickle. But that's permissible.
I am fighting the urges and working to remember that this first week is going to be the worst as far as the cravings go. I can do this because I am determined to do it...and it will really piss off God if I don't!
I am fighting the urges and working to remember that this first week is going to be the worst as far as the cravings go. I can do this because I am determined to do it...and it will really piss off God if I don't!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Today is the start of the Lental Diet Season. Lent begins tomorrow but Susan came up with the idea of starting a day early in order to get an extra Amnesty Day.
We are following the South Beach Diet for the next two weeks. This involves a detoxifying period wherein we drink no alcohol and are restricted to certain foods. No fruit and no sugar. I started my morning with a low fat cheese quiche. V8 Juice, a cheese stick and turkey ham are among the foods I have to look forward today.
I think I'll do some exercizing too.
We are following the South Beach Diet for the next two weeks. This involves a detoxifying period wherein we drink no alcohol and are restricted to certain foods. No fruit and no sugar. I started my morning with a low fat cheese quiche. V8 Juice, a cheese stick and turkey ham are among the foods I have to look forward today.
I think I'll do some exercizing too.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Loose the Twenty
I haven't written since just before Halloween. I am writing now because I am again concerned with my fatness and want to turn it around. Again I shall begin to write how in regards to my weight loss program and the progress I make. I will wax poetically about how important it is for me to lose 20 crummy pounds in order to improve my overall health. Then, I suddenly stop writing and fall into a funk where I drink lots of beer and gain more weight.
You can save yourself a lot of time by moving on to a blog where they are really serious.
But if you intend to stick around, like me, and see what happens this time, welcome to the show.
My weight this morning was 220. I want to weigh 200. Lent is approaching and I'm going to use my annual communion with God to loose the twenty. I'm going off beer for Lent and all alcohol for the first two weeks of Lent. Then I will limit myself to one glass of wine per evening. (I can still have all the wine I want while at work) (That was a joke!)
Anyway, here is go again!
You can save yourself a lot of time by moving on to a blog where they are really serious.
But if you intend to stick around, like me, and see what happens this time, welcome to the show.
My weight this morning was 220. I want to weigh 200. Lent is approaching and I'm going to use my annual communion with God to loose the twenty. I'm going off beer for Lent and all alcohol for the first two weeks of Lent. Then I will limit myself to one glass of wine per evening. (I can still have all the wine I want while at work) (That was a joke!)
Anyway, here is go again!
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