Sunday, March 15, 2015

Nuthin' to Report

I forgot to weigh myself this morning which is probably good because I'm sure the number went up. We went to a wedding reception last night and ate quite a meal. Lots of ham, beef, a variety of salads and of course, wedding cake.

I have not been drinking the HydroWater since Friday. Susan and I decided it was probably not smart to have it fresh in my system for the Colonoscopy, and since they found and removed a polyp, I would have an open wound in there that the hydrogen peroxide might mess with. 

I will resume taking it tomorrow. And I'll probably start with 10 drops. I was up to 15 drops on Thursday. I'll tell you this. At 15 drops, you can really taste the hydrogen peroxide.

It's another wet and rainy day, perhaps wetter than yesterday. So I don't think I'll make it out for a walk. Although, I may stroll over to the Hub Tavern later on.

In any event, I'm still kickin'!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Pi Day!!