Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Heart Health Plan for Stan

Well, here's the plan.

Get better!

That seems easy enough.

First of all, go for the obvious. I have 20 pounds I don't need. They are pernicious and difficult to remove but remove them I shall. There is going to be a lot more fruit and vegetables in my diet.

Secondly, exercise. I've lulled myself into a weak heart by not exercising regularly. At this point, that means walking. I'm doing daily walks around the park. I'm going to try and see if I can get up a little earlier and get my morning walk in. Early walks have never been easy for me.

I'm going to try skiing next weekend. That mostly involves gravity so I think I'll be okay, but I shall be taking it easy. The toughest part is going to be the walk from the car to the lodge. That, and snow. it's been one of the worst ski seasons in years. Mt Spokane and 49 Degrees North have already closed for the season. No snow!

Lookout Pass is in a slightly different snow belt and they have snow. Not a lot, but enough for a day of recreational skiing for us.

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