Friday, March 6, 2015

Day Five: Yes, Progress

I weighed 216 this morning. I'm home early today because I took the afternoon off. Susan and I are spending a long, active and productive weekend here on the estate.

I walked almost as soon as I got home and I did the park route in 19:00.0. Again, as last night, it was a great walk. There has definitely been a change in my stamina. I am feeling much more lively.

Last Saturday, Susan got me started on a new fad health kick. This program is supposed to solve all your health problems and kick cancer in the ass.

Two to three times a day, we are drinking 8 ounces of distilled water with food grade hydrogen peroxide added. We started by adding three drops to the 8 oz. glass. Today we are up to nine drops. We will progress all the up to 25 drops and then drop back down one drop a day until we are back at three. That then is the "maintenance  level".

This is supposed to oxygenate your blood and cure all manner of maladies. 

I'm not a fan of the taste of distilled water but I am a fan of how I feel. And frankly, I've done nothing different but try to eat better, walk and drink this water.

It just may be the miracle cure they say it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to drink food grade H2O2. Nasty tasting stuff. Supposed to be great for Arthritis. It's alkaline as all get out, and our bodies, are usually way to far to the acid side, so that's good for us, too.
-Mickey the A-rab